Terra Foundation for American Art Study Day 2023


Convened by Christopher Reed, Terra Foundation Visiting Professor of American Art History.  This year’s Terra Foundation for American Art Study Day is conceived to celebrate the lifting of the pandemic-related restrictions by bringing participants together with one another interrogating our bodily experiences of art and other forms of visual culture.   Advance booking is essential - please email admin@hoa.ox.ac.uk to sign up.  All welcome to attend. 

Sandwiches will be provided at the beginning of the study day.



11:00 – 11:45 GATHERING

11:45-noon WELCOME

Noon-1:00 SESSION 1: Gesture and Trace

Jennifer Johnson (Oxford University) “Materiality and Presence in the work of Sandra Blow: Questions of Performed Materialism”

Christopher Reed (Penn State University and Oxford University), “A Sense of Place: Regionalism and Materialism in the Art of Warren Rohrer” 


1:15-2:15 SESSION 2: The blues

Stefano Evangelista (Oxford University) “Fantasies in Blue: Colour, Psychology, Materiality”

Sarah Rich (Penn State University), “Cobalt Blue, the Weaponized Color”


2:15 – 3:00 TEA BREAK


3:00-4:00 SESSION 3: Visualizing the senses

Hyoungee Kong (New York University Shanghai) "A Sensate, Caressing Flesh: Making a Tactile Japonisme"

Emilija Talijan (Oxford University) “Blindness, Exile and the Hollywood Musical: Embodying Utopia in Lars von Trier’s Dancer in the Dark”


4:15-5:00 ROUNDTABLE to discuss the Ashmolean’s upcoming exhibition Colour Revolution: Victorian Colour, Fashion, & Design

Matthew Winterbottom, Curator of Sculpture and Decorative Arts, Ashmolean Museum; Charlotte Ribeyrol, Professor in 19thcentury British Literature at Sorbonne Université; Madeline Hewitson, Research Assistant, Ashmolean Museum